Convert HEIC to JPG
Transform your HEIC images to JPG format. You can select or drop multiple HEIC files below.
Drag & Drop .HEIC files here
Transform your HEIC images to JPG format. You can select or drop multiple HEIC files below.
Drag & Drop .HEIC files here
HEIC (or HEIF) is a modern image format commonly used by Apple devices to save space and store higher-quality images. Converting HEIC to JPG transforms these high-efficiency files into a widely compatible image format. This makes them easier to open, edit, or share on various devices, platforms, and apps.
That’s it! Our converter does everything right in your browser—no need to install extra software or worry about large file uploads to external servers.
Your files never leave your computer, because all conversions happen in your browser using a client-side script. This ensures your data stays private and secure. No external server is involved in processing your HEIC images.